Realm of Alpaquil
Pop. 10395

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1BonkersSkraelingFighter/Organist86CHA 23682Act LXXXIX+55 Fine Banded Diamond Mail GauntletsShoelaces ACDXCVIHi Coney!Wave
2itskTrans-KoboldBattle-Felon86WIS 23548Act LXXXVI+51 Cambric Festooned Plasma GauntletsRevolting Cloud MADLXIII
3KrienyipDemicanadianInner Mason85CON 26262Act LXXX+58 Gilded Holy Mithril Mail GauntletsMulligan MMMCCLV
4GordoDemicanadianMage Illusioner84CON 20831Act LXXVIII+57 Gilded Impressive Mithril Mail GambesonInoculate MADICoA-PQ
5FleeceManHalf ManSlow Poisoner84INT 31464Act LXXVIII+58 Banded Holy Mithril Mail HelmInoculate MACDXXVIIAlpaquil players have boring mottos
6GelberZeddlTrans-KoboldBirdrider84INT 47680Act LXXVII+50 Holy Plasma GreavesLockjaw MMMDXXXIII
7SkywalkerWill o' the WispFighter/Organist84WIS 36251Act LXXVI+59 Gilded Custom Mithril Mail HelmNestor's Bright Idea MMDCXCVI
8ShimmigDouble WookieeSlow Poisoner84DEX 31422Act LXXV+60 Vorpal Venomed PoleaxCone of Paste MMCMLV
9ProckjoovGyrognomeBirdrider83INT 53938Act LXXIV+59 Cambric Impressive Kevlar HauberkRevolting Cloud MMMDCXLV
10PraxfraxEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic82CHA 49395Act LXIX+57 Fine Studded Mithril Mail HauberkAqueous Humor MMCMXCII

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