Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Happy Fun Ball\'s Guild
Pop. 4

Happy Fun Ball\'s Guild

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1YuvgraxLand SquidBastard Lunatic79CHA 26273Act LVII+65 Steely Venomed Pole-adzeMagnetic Orb MMCLXXXIVI smoke Lucky Strikes, unflitered.HapFunBal
2RavgrezDemicanadianSlow Poisoner70CHA 6183Act XXXI+38 Custom Fine Diamond Mail VambracesHydrophobia CDLXXXVIIIHapFunBal
3OovwhuckLesser DwarfHunter Strangler61INT 2167Act XVII+46 Gilded Festooned Ringmail SolleretsMulligan CXLVIIOurs is not to wonder why. Fight until we die.HapFunBal
4YeknovHalf HalflingSlow Poisoner43STR 166Act V+17 Fine Custom Kevlar GambesonEye of the Troglodyte XIIILoathsome, offensive brute.HapFunBal

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