Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
1 | silvia | Demicanadian | Birdrider | 87 | INT 81138 | Act XCV | +63 Festooned Custom Magnetic Field | Shoelaces MMMDCCCVIII | Furries will rule the world | TKEP |
2 | WaddafukDolan | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 82 | CON 45885 | Act LXVIII | +66 Impressive Cambric Ringmail Brassairts | Nonplus MCM | Thou shalt be ground to dust 'by enchanted wheels! | TKEP |
3 | Crexpin the Underlord | Half Halfling | Tongueblade | 79 | DEX 28579 | Act LV | +53 Gilded Fine Mithril Mail Greaves | Hydrophobia MDCLXIX | 2B or not 2B, which is my apartment? | TKEP |
4 | Drukshuv | Trans-Kobold | Inner Mason | 74 | DEX 12924 | Act XL | +36 Fine Holy Plasma Gauntlets | Clever Fellow MXIV | Trans-gendered Trans-Kobolds unite! | TKEP |
5 | Riennaen | Dung Elf | Voodoo Princess | 72 | STR 10662 | Act XXXV | +37 Fine Studded Plasma Cuisses | Invisible Hands DCCCI | I'm never gonna find the Innocent One! | TKEP |
6 | Frotbrox | Gyrognome | Tickle-Mimic | 71 | STR 5603 | Act XXXIII | +40 Holy Gilded Diamond Mail Sollerets | Lockjaw DCXXXV | Fret not! Frotbrox is here. | TKEP |
7 | Gigantix G | Land Squid | Slow Poisoner | 69 | STR 5554 | Act XXVII | +34 Custom Studded Plasma Gauntlets | Nonplus CCCXII | Fight, everyone! For everlasting DEATH! | TKEP |
8 | TrueLoxodon | Double Wookiee | Puma Burgular | 69 | CHA 5874 | Act XXVII | +48 Studded Titanium Hauberk | Magnetic Orb DLXII | I am not the False Loxodon. | TKEP |
9 | Django | Enchanted Motorcycle | Ur-Paladin | 65 | STR 2543 | Act XXI | +46 Steely Invisible Culverin | Big Sister CCXLV | TKEP | |
10 | Missingno | Enchanted Motorcycle | Tickle-Mimic | 65 | STR 2864 | Act XXI | +35 Impressive Fine Mithril Mail Gauntlets | Sadness CCCLXXXIII | Ooops, I broke your game. | TKEP |
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