Realm of Pemptus
Pop. 192263

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
10337SumtikMeOffGreater GnomeMage Illusioner65DEX 3929Act XXI+40 Cambric Custom Mithril Mail HelmMagnetic Orb CCCXVI
10338KuroLenHalf OrcMu-Fu Monk65STR 3967Act XXI+33 Cambric Plasma GauntletsNonplus CLXXXV:-)
10339WhoonjimPanda ManSlow Poisoner65STR 3057Act XXI+29 Holy Studded Plasma SolleretsSpectral Miasma CCLXXIII
10340PhylogenesisTrans-KoboldBastard Lunatic65CON 2022Act XXI+39 Banded Festooned Mithril Mail VambracesBig Sister CCXXII
10341TheX85Double HobbitLowling65CON 2213Act XXI+40 Custom Holy ABS CuissesCone of Annoyance CCLXXXVIII
10342RoodwhanEnchanted MotorcycleSlow Poisoner65STR 3589Act XXI+42 Festooned Titanium GreavesSpectral Miasma CCLXXXV
10343EgvietDemicanadianPuma Burgular65CON 1998Act XXI+40 Gilded Fine Kevlar SolleretsInnoculate CCCIX
10344VynistraWill o' the WispMage Illusioner65DEX 2866Act XXI+38 Fine Festooned Titanium GambesonBig Sister CCXXII
10345HakkeDemicanadianSlow Poisoner65INT 3415Act XXI+42 Fine Kevlar HelmCone of Paste CCIII
10346RockgroodEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk65CON 2311Act XXI+45 Gilded Studded Platemail GambesonNestor's Bright Idea CCVIII

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